How to Install Blinds Yourself to Save Money

Every home needs window treatments. Whether you choose curtains, shades, blinds, or interior shutters, you need to have them installed to control the light that enters your home and maintain your privacy. One of the most popular window treatments is blinds. Whether you choose blinds with wide slats or mini blinds, you may think you need to work with a blind installation company to put them up correctly.

However, many homeowners can take on a blind installation project with ease.

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The video posted here can teach you everything you need to know about installing blinds on your own. Instead of hiring a professional blind installation company, you can save money by doing the labor yourself.

Note that you will need some basic tools to do this project, including a drill, screwdriver, measuring tape, and step ladder. Other tools may make the project easier, so follow the video to make sure you have everything you want and need on hand before you get started.

Once you have your tools, you can follow the steps in the video to install your blinds inside your window frames. This type of installation blocks light exceptionally well and looks very professional.

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