An Interview with Brian Good of DGK Group, P.C.

DGK Group, P.C. are certified public accountants and consultants who provide accounting, tax, and financial management solutions to the Philadelphia area. Today, we had the opportunity to chat with Brian Good, a partner at DGK Group, P.C. about changes in the industry, and the practices that have led to the company’s current success.
Mr. Good, it seems like there’s been a few changes in the accounting industry as of late. Could you tell us a little bit about this?
Currently our industry is experiencing consolidation. Many of our competitors have either merged or have been purchased by their peers or larger firms. As these local firms become region firms, DGK has benefited as the resulting larger firms can no longer service the lower tier of small businesses in the greater Philadelphia area.
Seems like you’ve found a way to thrive. There’s still a fair amount of competition out there, though. What does DGK do to stand out from the crowd?
We attempt to have “instant access” or immediate response reply to customer email and phone calls. We use reverse pyramid staffing structure — greater than industry standard senior level staff assigned to clients/projects. We have a long tradition of exceeding client expectations.
It’s no secret that accounting can be a stressful industry. What is it that attracts so many highly qualified individuals to your team?
We interview candidates to join the firm on a monthly basis whether or not a current position is available. We put a cap on weekly hours and suggest people only work late on Tuesday and Thursday during our traditional busy season in order to introduce a better work/life balance to our employees.
DGK Group, P.C. is located at 128 York Road, Warminster, PA. For more information about their services, go to, email, or call (215) 682-9047.
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