When you get your next paycheck, you might find yourself heading out to dinner with friends or family. What you probably won’t do is ask yourself what your company’s payroll…
When most people dream of winning the lottery or settling a lawsuit for a lot of money, they imagine getting the entire amount all at once. Unfortunately, this is not…
Money makes the world go round. If you are one of the lucky to have received an annuity as a result of a lawsuit or a lottery winning, accepting payments…
Coins are something that all of us have access to and that many of us have just lying around the house. Coin dealers can tell you better that all coins…
In America, we dream big. That’s why millions of people fork over their dollar and cents to buy lottery tickets on a daily basis — and it’s also why the…
If you’ve recently been awarded settlement money from the court or from another source, you’re probably finding out the hard way that most settlements are not paid out in one…
It’s never something you plan for–but once you are named the recipient of a structured settlement annuity, you want to be sure to spend that money wisely. Whether you are…
Are you looking for ways to save money but are in the dark about the simplest and most accessible options available to you? Look into purchasing structured settlements! This method…
Do you dream of winning the lottery, paying off your debts, and moving to a luxurious location to relax for the rest of your life? Who doesn’t? That sounds amazing!…
In a world where more than half of all professional basketball players file for personal bankruptcy within five years of hanging up their jerseys, investors worldwide have to wonder whether…